Enrolment Policy

 Bardon Kindy operates a waiting list for families interested in enrolling their child.

A child’s name may be placed on the waiting list from 1 July following birth. Due to high demand, we recommend placing a child’s name on the list as soon as possible.

To place a name on the waiting list parents must complete the online booking form  by clicking the “Waitlist Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Children are offered enrolment in order of placement on the waiting list.

Enrolment offers are emailed to families in order of the waiting list from May onwards in the year prior to their child’s eligible Kindy year.  Each year, the Kindy will announce the specific offer dates prior to sending out the offers.

To accept an offer families must:

  • Upload a copy of the child’s birth certificate, immunisation record, health and wellness questionnaire and completed class preference survey to the Kindy’s online enrolment system; and
  • Pay an enrolment deposit, which is deducted from the child’s first term fees. The deposit is non-refundable, even if the child’s enrolment is cancelled.
  • Parents/carers are required to provide evidence of date of birth as part of enrolment. This evidence can include a copy of a birth certificate, statutory declaration, passport or other government-issued document stating the child’s date of birth (for example, a letter from Medicare).


Immunisation Policy

In accordance with amendments to the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld),which took effect on 1 January 2016, Bardon Community Kindergarten does not enrol children who are not up to date with scheduled vaccinations. Children who have an exemption for a vaccine given by a recognised immunisation provider because of a medical contraindication to a vaccine are considered “up to date”. Similarly, children who are on an approved immunisation catch-up schedule developed by a recognised immunisation provider are also considered “up to date”.

When providing evidence of immunisation, the ‘Red Book’ or Personal Health Record from Queensland Health is not recognised as an official record for proof of vaccination.

This policy applies to new enrolments, returning enrolments and the enrolment of siblings of children previously enrolled at Bardon Community Kindergarten. Please see ‘Bardon Kindy Immunisation Policy’ for further information.

Bardon Community Kindy Enrolment Immunisation Policy

Following amendments to the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld) which took effect on 1 January 2016, Bardon Community Kindergarten will no longer accept enrolments of children who are not “up to date” with their scheduled vaccinations. This policy applies to siblings of children previously enrolled at Bardon Community Kindergarten.

Prior to enrolment and attendance at Bardon Community Kindergarten, parents are required to provide an immunisation history statement stating that their child’s immunisation status is “up to date” (and an updated statement when their child passes future vaccination milestones if applicable).

Children who have an exemption for a vaccine given by a recognised immunisation provider because of a medical contraindication to a vaccine are considered “up to date”. Similarly, children who are on an approved immunisation catch-up schedule developed by a recognised immunisation provider are also considered “up to date”.

Delayed Entry

Bardon Kindy supports a family’s right to delay their child’s entry to Kindy.

More information on delayed entry (click to view)
A family whose child is on the waiting list for the first year they are eligible to attend Kindy may make a written request to delay their child’s enrolment to the following year.

The date of their waiting list booking for the delayed year will be their original waiting list booking date plus one year, or the date the offers for the delayed year begin, whichever comes first. Therefore, they will be in the same date position in the delayed year’s group of bookings relative to other families in that list.

A child’s name cannot be added to the waiting lists for two consecutive years as an option for delayed entry.

If a family is unsure as to which year their child will attend Kindy, their child will be placed on the waiting list for their first eligible year. Should they receive an offer of a Kindy place for this year, they may:

  • Accept the offer and attend with the option of a delayed exit (second year of Kindy); or
  • Decline the offer in order to delay entry into Kindy. If the family decides to delay the child’s entry year, their waiting list booking will be changed as described above.

A family who does not receive an offer as a result of their position on the waiting list and asks to be moved to the following year’s waiting list as a delayed entry will have their waiting list booking changed as described above.

If a family, when first placing their child onto the waiting list, decides to forego the option of attending in their child’s first eligible year of Kindy and asks that their child be booked onto the waiting list for the following year, then their booking date will not be changed.

Delayed entry bookings will not be accepted until the bookings for the delayed year of entry have opened on 1 July.

Delayed Exit

Bardon Kindy strongly advocates for a child’s right to another year of Kindy for those who may be still developing the physical, emotional, social or cognitive maturity required to ensure a smooth transition to Prep. The decision to delay a child’s exit from Kindy in order to complete another year is made by the child’s family, in discussion with Bardon Kindy teaching staff.

More information on delayed exit (click to view)
Families will be invited to indicate their interest in reserving a delayed exit place for their child prior to the commencement of enrolment offers for the following year. This indication of interest is not final, and no enrolment deposit payment is required at this stage. This supports those families who are unsure and would like more time to monitor their child’s growth, development and readiness.

A child’s default reservation will be for the Unit and Group where they are currently enrolled, and families will have until mid-Term 3 to confirm this reservation with payment of an enrolment deposit.

However, if a family would like to change Unit or Group for the following year, they must indicate and confirm their changed preference by paying the enrolment deposit prior to the end of Term 2. The enrolment deposit is non-refundable and is deducted from the first term’s fees the following year.

Sibling Policy

Bardon Kindy’s sibling policy entitles an eligible child to an enrolment offer if:

  • An older sibling has previously been enrolled and attended the Kindy for 12 months;
  • The child’s name is on the waiting list by 1 April prior to the year of entry; and
  • A position is available.

A child’s name may be placed on the waiting list from 1 July following his or her birth. Due to high demand, we recommend placing a child’s name on the list as soon as possible.

To place a name on the waiting list parents must complete the online booking form by clicking the “Enrol Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Children are offered enrolment in order of placement on the waiting list.

Enrolment offers are emailed to families in order of the waiting list from May onwards in the year prior to their child’s eligible Kindy year. Each year, the Kindy will announce the specific offer dates prior to sending out the offers.


Click here to access our latest fee structure. Bardon Community Kindy is an approved Kindergarten Program Provider under Queensland Kindergarten Funding. Stated fees reflect the out of pocket cost to families and are inclusive of the QKF subsidy.


The Queensland Government is currently funding Free Kindy for 15 hours per week , for children turning 4 by 30 June.

Families are only able to claim Queensland Kindergarten Funding ( free kindy) for one program per eligible child per calendar year, totalling 600 hours (inclusive of public holidays).

Please note that Bardon Kindy is not registered with Centrelink for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Families will not receive any Centrelink Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rebates on Bardon Kindy Term Fees or Outside Hours Care Fees. The stated fees are only applicable to families who nominate Bardon Kindy for Queensland Kindergarten Funding.