Nature Play Provision

Bardon Kindy is strongly aligned with the philosophy of Nature Play Queensland in our advocacy for and understanding that unstructured play outdoors – nature play – is fundamental to a full and healthy childhood.

Nature play provision which is intrinsically inviting and motivating promotes engagement in play that promotes diverse activity opportunities which are essential for healthy physical, social and psychological experience, growth and development.

We also strive to facilitate regular opportunities for our classes to venture outside our gates to access, explore and play in Bowman Park and adjacent sections of Ithaca Creek. These environments provide infinite and rich provocations that are unpredictable, fluid and open ended in nature and promote authentic and organic learning dispositions and opportunities.

Bardon Community Kindy has a long standing history of recognising the value of nature play. The commitment to providing children with natural spaces to live and learn is reflected in our outdoor learning environment. We are incredibly fortunate to offer children an outdoor learning space that is shaded by a natural tree canopy that includes a bush walking trail, timber structures, rope swings from branches, a flowing creek bed, locally sourced rocks and boulders, native and vegetable garden beds, birdwing butterfly vine fence etc.

We are also fortunate to be bordered by a lush natural creek and the opportunity to share our environment with all of the native animals (most notably our Eastern Water dragon friends) that our space invites.

For more information about Nature Play Provision at Bardon Kindy, including an outline of where we go and how we manage reasonable risk, click below.